Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Banned Books Week

It is not often that we get an almost "front row" view of a real-life banned book incident, but as we mark Banned Books Week 2013 here at the VGCC Libraries, such an event has been playing out just across our state in Randolph County where the local BOE recently took action to ban Ralph Ellison's classic work "Invisible Man" from it's school libraries.  For the latest news on this ongoing situation Follow VGCC Libraries on Twitter.  #bannedbooksweek #IFC_NCLA

We are are also marking BBW 2013 with a special LibGuides Page and a book display in the Main Campus Library.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Great Start to a New Semester!

We are off to our busiest start ever at the VGCC Main Campus Library (with equally encouraging reports of great turnouts at each of our other library sites).  Students are flocking in -- hitting the computers to work on early assignments, taking advantage of our wireless access, studying individually and in small groups,...and even search our catalog and shelves for monographs*.

* mon·o·graph
noun: monograph; 
  1. a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it.
    "a series of monographs on music in late medieval and Renaissance cities"
    (Thanks, Google!)