Monday, October 17, 2011

South Campus LRC Begins Transition

Beginning Monday, October 17, the South Branch of the Granville County Public Library will be moving out of the space it shares with the VGCC South Campus LRC. Due to this transition, the library space at South Campus will be closed from October 17-October 24 and possibly October 25, if there are delays. While the space is closed, our campus librarian Jennie Davis will be available in the South Campus Office to help students, faculty and staff with books, databases, and other library services. She can be reached by email or by calling the South Campus Front Office at Ext. 3504.  Her hours will be as follows:
Mon.,  Oct 17:     10:30-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Tues.,  Oct 18:       8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Wed.,  Oct 19      11:00- 5:00 and   6:00-8:00
Thurs., Oct 20       8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Fri.,     Oct. 21:      8:00-11:30 and 12:30-3:00
Mon.,  Oct. 24      8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Tues.,  Oct. 25 (if necessary)  8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Once, the public library has moved out, she will be back in the LRC. After that, our regular hours for now will be:
Mondays:       8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Tuesdays:       8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Wednesdays: 11:00-5:00  and   6:00-8:00
Thurdays:        8:00-11:30 and 12:30-5:00
Fridays:           8:00-11:30 and 12:30-3:00
Many library services are also available 24/7 by going to the LRC website at These services include access to our databases and a chat window to ask for help from an NCknows librarian. Please contact Jennie if you have any questions or need help with anything. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition.

Jennie Davis
Librarian, South Campus
Vance-Granville Community College
1547 South Campus Dr.
PO Box 39
Creedmoor, NC 27522
(919) 528-1752